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AI Use Case

Optimise mobile job scheduling

Optimise job scheduling based on factors such as weather, estimated travel times, technical capabilities and parts availability. There is a strong link with mobile staff routing use cases.



Field Services


Operational - Network optimisation,Cost - Optimise resource allocation

Case Studies

Suramericana~Suramericana optimises urgent operations scheduling with predictive analytics and machine learning,Bosch Thermotechnology~Bosch Thermotechnology improves field service management appointment accuracy and efficiency with machine learning, TigoUne~TigoUne reduces management system failure by 80% through a machine learning workforce management solution ,SGN~SGN leverages ClickSoftware's AI powered solution for mobile workforce optimisation

Potential Vendors



Data Sets

Structured / Semi-structured,Time series

AI Technologies

Machine Learning (ML),ML Task - Action Selection - Reinforcement Learning ,Traditional AI

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