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AI Use Case

Automate testing of web applications and apps as part of continuous development

Automate testing of web applications and apps as part of continuous development - opportunities include ensuring less downtime and continued business improvement as well as potentially A/B testing at scale


Information Technology



Cost - Job automation,Operational - Robotic Process Automation,Operational - Enables Just in Time approach

Case Studies

" automates software testing before release, saving days worth of effort using machine learning",SolarWinds~SolarWinds speeds up testing of upgrades by 15X by crowd sourcing to reach a wider audience and using machine learning to identify matching testers,Citrix~Citrix's IT department achieves 30% more deliverables and deploys cloud software upgrades 75% faster by tracking application performance and code changes using machine learning,RyanAir~Ryanair monitors the performance of its online service in real time and identifies root cause of issues in minutes compared to hours previously using machine learning

Potential Vendors,Rainforest QA,Dynatrace,New Relic



Software And It Services

Data Sets

Structured / Semi-structured

AI Technologies

Machine Learning (ML)

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