AI Use Case
Analyse large text datasets to uncover trends from documentary evidence
Across large text datasets - for example, historical archives - there will be trends or insights that can be analysed but which it would take a human observer too much time to process. Although still at a relatively rudimentary stage this will become an increasingly powerful tool for creating new insights and levels of knowledge.
Information Technology
Knowledge Management
Data - Data mapping / labelling,Data - Text mapping,Data - Text understanding
Case Studies
University of Bristol~Researchers at the University of Bristol detect trends in historical data using AI,MIT~MIT Fellow Assia Boundaoui to triangulate redacted information from FBI documents based on past releases using AI
Potential Vendors
Public And Social Sector
Education And Academia
Data Sets
AI Technologies
Machine Learning (ML),ML Task - Grouping - Clustering,ML Task - Grouping - Anomaly Detection