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Information Technology

AI Use Cases

Create 3D models of 2D images


Taking a 2D image this technique allows for the creation of a 3D model of the objects captured in the photos. This obviouasly works better on images of objects with known characteristics - like humans for example.

Crack security systems


Breaking security systems is a growing field of study by a variety of actors - often of the malignant sort. Whether predicting PIN numbers from acoustic signals or spoofing iris images this is a race between attack and defence.

Generate synthetic datasets for deep learning


Synthetic datasets is a way for researchers to train machine learning programs when sufficient real-world data is unavailable, difficult to obtain, or raises ethical or privacy concerns. Certain use cases for AI lend themselves better to synthetic datasets than others.

Automate project management to monitor progress and identify risks

Programme Management

Automate project management to monitor progress and identify risks

Personalise screens, reports and dash boards for individual IT development team members

Programme Management

Personalise screens, reports and dashboards for IT development team members depending on the role - different functions will receive information optimised to their needs.

Automate software testing as part of pre-launch / update process

Quality Assurance

Frequently, currently in parallel with human QA team software is tested pre-launch for potential issues - especially where it might have an impact on other software in the stack. The AI enables a wider variety of relationships to be tested than humans alone can perform, frequently at a far faster rate.

Automate cybersecurity systems


Utilise learning systems to effectivel and swiftly respond to security threats, many of which may have been delivered with machine learning support. This is a game where every innovation in defence triggers the next innovation in attack - and vice versa.

Secure communications through deployment of crypto technology


Protect communications like emails or phone conversations with advanced multilayered cryptograhy to sustain defences against hacking attacks and / or raise the alarm to ensure relevant intervention

Deploy decoy assets to support activities such as network security management


Deploy decoy-assets in a network as bait for attackers, to identify, track, and disrupt security threats. The aim is to lure attacks in to information traps to allow for an augmented security response.

Predict cybersecurity risks


Analyse data feeds about incoming cyber activity as well as behavioural data inside an organisation - married with up to date information about the broader cyber security situation - to predict potential security risks.

Identify social media users through cross platform facial recognition to deploy phishing or marketing


A key part of hacking or similar scams such as phishing is building a larger database of potential targets and a better understanding of their profiles. One AI technique to support this is to use facial recognition across platforms to identify multiple accounts. Depending on regulatory data rights similar techniques can be used for more conventional marketing.

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